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British Trains - Virgin Trains Class 390 Pendolino tilting intercity express train built by Fiat Ferroviaria |
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What type of fast inter city train does Virgin use? The British Government does not have the political will and money to build purpose made new high-speed intercity rail track. This compares poorly with the French. Their high speed lines have revolutionised travel across France. Instead of catching a plane people consider using the train first as it is quick and a lot less hassle. |
An answer had to be found using conventional track that would allow faster train speeds and reduce travel times. It looked like the idea of using tilting trains that reduced centrifugal force when going around bends would help stop passenger discomfort. British Rail developed the tilting Advanced Passenger Train but it was never put into production due to operational problems, adverse publicity and spiralling costs. Some of the Advanced Passenger Train powered tilt technology was sold to the Italian firm Fiat Ferroviaria. Unlike British Rail they went on to successfully develop a working tilting train that could travel faster on regular track. They called it a Pendolino. In the UK it was known as the Class 390 Pendolino. In Finland it is called the S220. The Czechs call it the CD680. In Italy the Pendolino is called the ETR 450/460 and 470 Cisalpino. The Portuguese named it the Alfa Pendular. More variants are being developed.
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